eliminar moscas

10 Effective tips to eliminate flies

mosca na plantas da casa

Eliminating flies can be a frustrating task, but there are several effective strategies you can adopt to reduce their presence in your home or environment. Here are some suggestions:

Get to know our strategies to eliminate flies effectively:

✅ Regular cleaning

Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to prevent and eliminate flies. Clean floors, countertops and surfaces regularly to prevent food scraps and other debris that attract flies.

✅ Proper garbage storage

Use trash cans with lids and keep them tightly closed. Be sure to empty and clean trash cans regularly to avoid odors that are attractive to flies.

✅ Screens on windows and doors

Install protective screens on windows and doors to prevent flies from entering the home. Make sure the screens are in good condition and free of rips.

✅ Fly traps

It uses sticky traps or UV light traps to attract and capture flies. These traps are an effective way to eliminate flies without the use of chemicals.

✅ Natural Repellents

Some plants and essential oils, such as mint, lavender, eucalyptus, basil, and cloves, have repellent properties that can help ward off flies. Place plants or essential oils at strategic points around the house.

✅ ventilation

Flies prefer stuffy places. Keep the house well ventilated to prevent them from becoming comfortable in their environment.

✅ Use of commercial repellents

There are specific repellents for flies on the market, available in spray or electrical devices. Read the manufacturer's instructions and use them accordingly.

✅ Control of water sources

Check that there is no standing water accumulated, as it can attract flies. Checks that there is no leakage of water from taps, pipes or domestic equipment.

✅ Insect infestation control

Flies feed on dead insects and decaying organic matter. Controls the insect population in the home to prevent them from becoming a food source for flies.

Consult a professional

If you are experiencing a severe fly infestation and the above strategies have not worked, you may need to call in a professional pest control service.

Remember that consistency is key to getting effective results. Use a combination of the above strategies to keep the house free of flies and make the environment less inviting for these unwanted insects.

Do flies cause disease?

Yes, flies can cause disease. Flies are vectors of various diseases, as they often come into contact with contaminated materials such as faeces, garbage and decaying food, and then they can transfer these bacteria and pathogens to surfaces and food that humans come into contact with. Some of the diseases that flies can transmit include:

➡️ Diarrhea:

Flies can transmit a number of diarrhea-causing bacteria, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella.

➡️ Conjunctivitis:

Flies can carry bacteria and viruses that cause eye infections, leading to conjunctivitis.

➡️ Salmonellosis:

Salmonella is a common bacteria carried by flies and can cause food poisoning.

➡️ Typhoid fever:

Transmission of Salmonella typhi bacteria by flies can cause typhoid fever, a serious illness.

➡️ Wound infections:

Flies can lay eggs in open wounds, which can lead to infections.

➡️ Cholera:

Cholera, a serious intestinal disease, can be transmitted by infected flies.

It is essential to maintain good hygiene, especially in areas where flies are common, to reduce the risk of diseases transmitted by these insects.