Snakes | How to Avoid and Ward off Snakes and Serpents

Tips to prevent the appearance of snakes:

  • Trimming bushes close to the ground;
  • Have Rodent Control turned on.



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Signs of Infestation of Snakes

How to identify Snakes ?

How can snakes appear at home?

In warmer climates, we live with snakes. They are part of our neighborhoods and forest reserves and, in some cases, our properties.

Although preventive measures are often taken to prevent these animals from entering, there is always a risk, especially in summer. Not all snakes are deadly, but it's good to be safe.

Anti- Snakes

How to eliminate Snakes ?

1 Inspection:

Remove animals or small children from the area.Try to understand where the snake may have entered.

2 Create a physical barrier around the house

Place natural products which acts as a barrier around the house, to prevent snakes from entering. Forming a barrier to the area we want to protect.