Insecticides for Plants and Garden

The use of insecticides in the garden is fundamental to control pests and protect plants from significant damage.


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14 products

inseticida polivalente para plantas composição do inseticida polivalente para plantas
Inseticida COMPO axiendo em spray Inseticida 750ml contra insetos nas plantas
KB inseticida concentrado polysectpragas tripes, escaravelho e bichado
KB Naturen Inseticida Bio ConcentradoModo de Aplicação Inseticida Bio Concentrado
Inseticida Polysect pronto a usarKB inseticida proteção plantas
spray 3 em 1 para plantastratamento total para plantas
spray tripla ação inseticida, fungicida e acaricida
kit anti pragas na horta e jardiminseticida concentrado para plantas e hortas
kit BIO contra pragas, fungos e favorecer o crescimento de plantasinseticida polivalente para plantas
kit completo o tratamento de jardins grandespulverizador 8 litros
sabão vegetal contra fungosvantagens do sabão vegetal
Fertiliser Vegetable Soap
Sale price€8,99
Tratamento Moluscicida Agricultura BiológicaMoluscicida anti caracois
kit para roseiras mais bonitas e sem pragasspray de tratamento de roseiras
KB spray para roseirasspray combineo para roseiras
Treatment Tips

Use of Insecticides for Plants and Garden

1 Why use insecticides in the garden?

The use of insecticides is essential for garden care. Pests can cause damage to plants, compromising their health and beauty. Additionally, there are several benefits of using specific insecticides to control pests effectively without harming the environment.

2 Types of insecticides for garden:

There are different types of insecticides available on the market, with different characteristics and modes of action. Such as: biological, organic and synthetic insecticides. Each insecticide with different active ingredients and different ways of fighting pests.

3 How to choose the right insecticide:

To choose the best insecticide for your garden you need to take different factors into consideration: the type of pest you want to combat, compatibility with your plants, safety for pets and environmental sustainability.

4 Correct application of insecticides:

It is essential to apply insecticides correctly to obtain the best results. The most common application methods are: spraying, use of granules and localized application. Following the label on the insecticide packaging, complying with the appropriate application dose, will allow you to apply insecticides safely and effectively, ensuring adequate protection for your plants.

inseticidas nas plantas


Effective Pest Control

The most obvious advantage of using insecticides is the effective control of pests that can damage plants. Helps protect agricultural crops and ornamental plants.

Increase in Agricultural Production

The appropriate use of insecticides in agriculture can increase productivity, reducing losses caused by pests that damage crops.

Protection of Indoor and Ornamental Plants

For gardeners and landscapers, the use of insecticides can protect ornamental plants and shrubs from pests that can harm the aesthetics of the garden.

Control of diseases transmitted by insects

In some cases, insects act as vectors of diseases that affect plants. Using insecticides can help reduce the spread of these diseases.

Rapid Control of Serious Infestations

In situations where pest infestations are severe and threaten to cause significant damage in a short period of time, the use of insecticides may be necessary to contain the threat.