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Cockroaches: life cycle, species and health risks

espécies de baratas

Having existed for over 300 million years, the cockroach is one of the insects with the best ability to adapt to climate change and environmental changes. Although they prefer meat and plants, cockroaches will feed on practically anything that has the slightest nutritional value, including paper. For this reason, cockroach pests are one of the most difficult to control.

Cockroaches vary in size depending on the species, but they all share some characteristics: an oval, flattened body, dark coloration and a length that varies between 3 and 10 cm. The most common species is the German cockroach due to its high reproductive potential and resistance to certain types of insecticide.


🪳 Cockroach life cycle

Cockroaches undergo incomplete metamorphosis with only three reproductive stages: egg, nymph and adult. In most species, the eggs are contained in an egg deposit that can contain between 2 and 50 eggs. The duration of the egg stage varies depending on the conditions in which it is housed. The more humid and warm the egg, the faster it develops and reaches the nymph stage.

They are mostly nocturnal insects — during the night they look for food, find a mate and disperse — but it is possible to find them during the day when the infestation is considerable.


Types of cockroaches

In Portugal, the most common cockroach species are the German cockroach, the American cockroach and the Oriental cockroach.

➡️ German Cockroach

The German cockroach is the most common species worldwide, as it produces around four egg deposits during its lifetime, each consisting of 35 to 40 eggs. Hatching takes only 1 month and this reproduction process occurs at any time of the year. The German cockroach is considered the most difficult to kill, as it has developed immunity to various types of repellents and pesticides over the years.

➡️ American Cockroach

The reproduction time of these cockroaches is longer, but what sets them apart are their wings that allow them to glide. In addition, the American cockroach is known for its ability to regenerate cells.

➡️ Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach's ability to adapt is slower than that of other species. This type of cockroach lives in dark places and can be found in decomposing organic remains.


What causes cockroaches to appear?

Cockroaches seek out warm, moist shelters, and many of them live in sewage systems. Cockroach infestations are very common, as this pest needs humans to survive. Omnivorous, cockroaches eat both meat and plants, which leads them to seek food in restaurants, factories and residential areas. The ideal environment for cockroaches is kitchens that combine humidity and heat.


Health risks

The digestive system of cockroaches involves the ingestion of bacteria. This insect accumulates all types of bacteria and pathogens, which results in the contamination of food and all surfaces it touches. Salmonella is one of the main agents transmitted by cockroaches and can result in, among other problems, food poisoning.

In addition to directly contaminating food and utensils, cockroaches can cause allergies that can be serious for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

Cockroaches are also known for leaving a trail of odor wherever they go, thus marking their territory. This odor is the result of the secretion of fluids in the cockroach's abdomen, which, in large quantities, can cause nausea and dizziness in humans. Worried? Find out here the best products to eliminate a cockroach infestation .

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