Fly Insect Trap


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14 products

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What is an insect hunter?

The best range of insect killers on the market

It is an electrical device used to attract and eliminate flying insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, melgas and moths. This device generally works by emitting ultraviolet light, which attracts insects to the equipment, where they are captured through the glue screen. It is an effective way to control insect pests in closed environments, such as homes, commercial establishments or public spaces (Restaurants, Hotels and Industries).

How to choose an insect killer?

Power and Range

Check the power of the device and the range of your attraction. An insect trapper with a more powerful UV lamp will generally attract insects from a greater distance.

Area coverage

Consider the size of the area you want to protect against insects. Choose an insect trapper with an adequate coverage area to ensure effective protection.

Ease of cleaning

Choose models that are easy to clean. Some insect traps have removable trays to collect dead insects, making cleaning and maintenance of the device easier.

Durability and quality

Choose an insect trapper from a brand recognized for the quality and durability of its products. This will ensure that the device works effectively for a long period of time.

Energy consumption

Check the energy consumption of the insect trapper to ensure it is energy efficient. Models with low energy consumption are more economical in the long term.

Installation options

Consider the device installation options. Some insect traps can be hung on the wall, placed on flat surfaces or even installed outdoors.